Instructions for online qualifications
Om je te kwalificeren voor de live kampioenschappen, moet je eerst deelnemen in de kwalificaties. Deze kwalificaties vinden online plaats, van vrijdag 4 april 12:00 (CET) t/m maandag 7 april 11:59 (CET).
To participate in the online qualifications you need to register.
How to get the Instruction Booklet?
The Instruction Booklet in pdf format for both competitions will be available in Dutch and English, two weeks before the online qualifications. When you have registered in advance, you will receive the booklet in your email. It will also be available on the instruction booklet page. The instruction booklet contains all rules and regulations for the Puzzle and Sudoku Championships. Also examples of all puzzle types are given, complete with the number of points that can be earned per puzzle. If you have questions about the instructions, please contact the WCPN via email ( You can find examples of instruction booklets of previous championships on the page with information on previous championships.
How to participate in the qualifications?
You can start the competition by going to the Participate page. Hier kan je kiezen welke competitie je wilt starten. Voordat je start, kan je al het puzzelboekje met de puzzels of sudokus downloaden; deze is beveiligd met een wachtwoord. Wanneer je wilt starten, druk je op de knop “Start” van de betreffende wedstrijd. Beide kwalificaties duren 60 minuten; tussen vrijdag 4 april 12:00 (CET) en maandag 7 april 11:59 (CET) kun je zelf het moment kiezen waarop je wilt deelnemen. Vanaf het moment dat je op “Start” drukt, heb je precies 60 minuten om je antwoorden te verzenden via het antwoordformulier. Nadat je op “Start” hebt gedrukt, word je automatisch doorgestuurd naar het antwoordformulier. Bovenaan de pagina met het antwoordformulier vind je het wachtwoord van het puzzelboekje. Het puzzelboekje is in PDF formaat, zorg er dus voor dat je een programma hebt geïnstalleerd waarmee je een pdf kunt openen en printen (bijvoorbeeld Acrobat Reader).
How can you submit your answers?
Solutions that are sent after the end of the competition are not accepted. Use the designed answer form to send your answers. To send your answers, enter the solution codes of the puzzles you have solved and press "Submit" at the bottom of the page. Your answers can be sent as often as you want within the time limit. The form remembers your earlier answers, so you do not have to re-enter the solution codes for the puzzles that you have already submitted. If you find out that you have given the wrong answer, you can correct and re-submit that answer. Only the last solution submitted is taken into account (even if the last solution is wrong and the previous solution was correct). Enter the answers as a row of numbers/letters without spaces, commas or other characters. It is not possible to submit the answers after the time is over. So make sure that you submit your final answers before the time passes. On the answer form is a timer that counts down from 60 minutes to 0 to help you with this.
For each sudoku and each puzzle you need to enter two rows in the answering form. The rows that you need to submit are indicated in the puzzle with an arrow. All answers need to be submitted from left to right! For sudokus this simply means entering the 9 digits for each indicated row. For puzzles, you need to enter a specific combination of digits or characters. For more detailed examples of how to enter the answers for each puzzle type, please check out the instruction booklet.
In the unexpected case that you experience an issue with the answering form during the sompetition, please make a screenshot of the answering form with your answers, including the computer time, and send this via email to WCPN (